Caravan Rally (1960)

M/S of two cars pulling caravans driving along a road at Oulton Park, past a sign saying ‘Road Rally, Checkpoint’; they both turn off to the right.
M/S as we see one of them (a twin tone Humber Sceptre) drive across the field to where some men in coats and bobble hats are waiting; the men make notes on clipboards and give directions to the driver. C/U of the driver, Mr Barrett standing at his open car door and using an electric shaver. Commentator says “From all over Britain more than a hundred have driven an average 250 miles through the night to compete in the Sixth road rally organised by the Caravan Club”. M/S of a hill-climbing test; the car (a Ford Consul) pulls the caravan up slowly up the hill; an official drops a flag as it passes. M/Ss of the driving judgement test; on a kind of marked racetrack the driver has to weave in and out of some bollards – bollards are adjusted for the width of each car and caravan (we see a Humber Sceptre taking the test). M/S from inside a control tower looking out onto the testing area and making notes. M/S of a man waving down a flag to start the next contestant; M/Ss of a white Jaguar pulling a caravan in and out of the bollards then of a Rover doing the same; M/S of two young boys watching. M/S of a car and caravan backing into a parking space between two lines of baled hay; M/S of spectators sitting on a grassy bank; M/S from the rear as another car (Wolseley 6/90) and van back into the space, knocking one of the bales of hay; a man walks round to inspect the damage. M/Ss of three cars (two Jaguars and a Mini) and vans in the braking test; smoke is seen coming from the wheels as each car brakes when passing a line on the road. Many caravans can be seen parked on the fields by the side of the road. C/U of a stabiliser being checked; M/S of a man checking the tyre pressure. Commentator says “…they get a thorough workout on the combined acceleration – driving ability – and fast towing tests, over a mile of the Oulton Park course”, as we see a Humber towing a caravan speeding past the camera in M/S; we pan with them as they pass and see a man trying to film it with a cine camera. M/S of the white Jaguar and van racing along the track. M/S as a man walks from the van to the back of a car (Hillman?) and opens up the back; C/U as we see him adjusting the braking testing equipment; M/S as he gets into the driver’s seat of the car and drives off. M/Ss of this car and caravan speeding along, then coming round the corner of the track as a man waves a flag and the car brakes sharply to stop. M/Ss of a girl, Edie Marshall cleaning her Jaguar in the field while three other girls clean a caravan next to it; C/U of Pat Clayton standing on a bucket to clean the roof of the van. M/Ss of numerous cars (including a Citroen) and vans displayed in the Concours d’Elegance “in which points were awarded for design, workmanship, condition, and even the practicality of the outfit”, says commentator. Lots of people milling around; many two-tone cars have caravans in matching colours. M/S of a man in a bobble hat looking in the window of a silver caravan; we can see a silver candelabra on the table inside; C/U of this table laid with glass and silver tableware. C/U of the first prize, a silver model of a figure sitting in a chariot. M/S of the crowd applauding (they all look a bit cold and disinterested!); M/S of the winner being handed the trophy as his photo is taken. M/S of the cars and caravans moving off through the crowds. Note: print used for transfer; neg is incomplete. Nice footage of caravan drivers being put through their paces. FILM ID:105.18 A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS, AND CLASSIC MOVIES.

Harald Mauch
Author: Harald Mauch

Geb: 28.08.1969, Steigstr. 17, 78078 Niedereschach, Festnetz: 07728-299929, Handy: 0176-44560000, Eintritt: 01.01.2017

Harald Mauch

Geb: 28.08.1969, Steigstr. 17, 78078 Niedereschach, Festnetz: 07728-299929, Handy: 0176-44560000, Eintritt: 01.01.2017